SUBTITLE What else do you need to know?
- the food at the workshop is vegetarian and vegan
- no coffee or any other energy stimulants (tobacco) are taken during the workshop
- the workshop takes place in a relaxed environment, where everyone has the opportunity to go deeper into themselves
- the workshops are held in Slovenian as well as in English language (the language is marked for the available dates)
- the process takes place in silence, a conversation outside the dyads is not allowed, the goal is for each individual to devote 100% exclusively to himself
posameznik 100% posveti izključno sebi - men and women sleep separately.
Organizacija delavnice poteka pod okriljem zadruge ENOST v sodelovanju z društvom DIVJA. Z vami bova Iva in Urban → Click here
Priporočena cena delavnice je 333 evrov po osebi. V ceno je všteta vsa hrana, pijača, prigrizki in spanje v 2- in 3-posteljnih sobah. Delavnica se začne v petek ob 16.30 in konča v nedeljo ob 18.00. Če nekdo globoko v sebi sliši klic in se želi udeležiti delavnice ter nima finančnih zmožnosti, naj nas kontaktira. V primeru, da nekdo začuti, da bi doniral še za koga, ki si tega ne more privoščiti ali mu je delavnica dala več, kot si je predstavljal, je odprt naš TRR za donacije. Maksimalno število udeležencev je 14. Prijava je možna do zapolnitve mest.
A week before the workshop more detailed instructions will be sent per email.
If you are interested and want to know more about the seminar or get to know our community, contact us at ali
Dates of events are in the beginning of spring and beginning of fall. For more information contact us.
Applications at the link below: Click here