


The WHO AM I workshop is based on methods that are several thousand years old and adapted to the modern flow of life.The self-questioning methods of Ramana Maharshi and Charles Berner have also been added.

The whole process takes place in dyads, working in pairs, where one person is a silent observer and the other person works on deep self- exploration, with the aim of realizing who they really are. The workshop takes place from early morning to late evening.

The focus is on eliminating the conditioned patterns of the subconscious (samskaras). The goal is for these to emerge to the surface and purify themselves. Various tools and techniques are used that will help to lead the participants to their true nature. Through this process, individual and group dyads, sitting and walking contemplations, movement and sound meditations, self-questioning, breathing exercises and lectures that help us come to awareness, take place.

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee for our workshop. If the participant is not satisfied with our performance, we will refund 100% of the registration fee. The only condition for this is that the participant follows and respects the instructions, performs the exercises and participates in all the practices that are planned during the course of 3 days.

Planned workshops

WHO I AM WORKSHOP 3 days – 18. – 20. oktober 2024, etnološka holistična vas Apače – Začetek v petek ob  16:30 (prihod med 15:00-16:00), konec v nedeljo ob 18:00. Prijaviš se z klikom na gumb “Prijava” desno zgoraj.

Price of Workshop is €333 per person, if you come as a couple or with friend, price for the second person is €283.
Payment can be done in more instalments.


WHO I AM INTEGRATION 5 daysi (še ni predvidenega termina) – začetek v sredo ob 16.30 (prihod ob 15.00-16.00), zaključek v nedeljo ob 18.00. Delavnica je podobna trodnevni, z razliko 4. in 5. dne, kjer so na programu še dodatne dihalne vaje za sproščanje samskar, kundalini meditacije, ples sufijev in vaje zavedanja s telesom, ki poglobijo samadhi izkušnjo in dodatno prečistijo ujete energije. Trodnevna delavnica vsebuje eno vprašanje za kontemplacijo, petdnevna delavnica pa vsebuje štiri različna vprašanja za kontemplacijo. Kdo sem? Kaj sem? Kaj je življenje? Kaj je nekdo drug?

Naslednja 3-dnevna delavnica bo od 18. – 20. oktobra 2024 v Etnološki holistični vasi v Apačah. Na njo se prijavite s klikom na oranžen gumb “Prijava” desno zgoraj.
Po pregledu vaše prijavnice vas bomo kontaktirali in  z vami opravili tudi phone/zoom interview. Your application will be finally confirmed after payment of the invoice, which receive to your email. In the event that applications are filled before you settle the bill, Fr we inform you. The maximum number of participants is 14.

SUBTITLE What else do you need to know?

  • the food at the workshop is vegetarian and vegan
  • no coffee or any other energy stimulants (tobacco) are taken during the workshop
  • the workshop takes place in a relaxed environment, where everyone has the opportunity to go deeper into themselves
  • the workshops are held in Slovenian as well as in English language (the language is marked for the available dates)
  • the process takes place in silence, a conversation outside the dyads is not allowed, the goal is for each individual to devote 100% exclusively to himself
    posameznik 100% posveti izključno sebi
  • men and women sleep separately.


Organizacija delavnice poteka pod okriljem zadruge ENOST v sodelovanju z društvom DIVJA.  Z vami bova Iva in Urban → Click here

Priporočena cena delavnice je 333 evrov po osebi. V ceno je všteta vsa hrana, pijača, prigrizki in spanje v 2- in 3-posteljnih sobah. Delavnica se začne v petek ob 16.30 in konča v nedeljo ob 18.00. Če nekdo globoko v sebi sliši klic in se želi udeležiti delavnice ter nima finančnih zmožnosti, naj nas kontaktira. V primeru, da nekdo začuti, da bi doniral še za koga, ki si tega ne more privoščiti ali mu je delavnica dala več, kot si je predstavljal, je odprt naš TRR za donacije. Maksimalno število udeležencev je 14. Prijava je možna do zapolnitve mest.

A week before the workshop more detailed instructions will be sent per email.

If you are interested and want to know more about the seminar or get to know our community, contact us at ali

Dates of events are in the beginning of spring and beginning of fall. For more information contact us.
Applications at the link below: Click here

The Society for the Research of the Basic Creature DIVJA

Trstenjakova ulica 10

9000 Murska Sobota

Tax number 88156109


Tel: +38670841231


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