After the second world war, the world realized, that individualistic people are better consumers. For the first time people bought products to make them feel better. Prior to that, products were only bought if they were actually needed. This has created a never- ending cycle of consumerism that will never end, since as we become more and more individualistic, more and more products are created. So, the first me-generation was born. It is all about the individuum and nothing about society anymore. Now we are living in times of me,me,me-generation. Everything is about individual expression and self- esteem. Which can be translated to nihilism and narcissism. Levels of narcissism today are the highest recorded in history of mankind. Yet the generation being born now will be the me,me,me,me,me,me-generation. Everyone is unique, everyone is special. Yet one asks oneself. Has this helped humankind in any matter? Do we no longer value a society as a whole? How can one raise billions for a war overnight? Yet 22.000 children die every day from malnutrition that could be prevented by just a fraction of that money. We are more opinionated and educated than ever before, yet what has this done for the good of humanity? 40% of people in the western world suffers depression and anxiety or some other form of mental disease. Yet as it is called, we are at dis-ease. We are not at ease of what is going on around in the world. Deep inside we know none of this is right. And we are not born this way. We are all born in pure awareness and that’s the only way back to restore humanity and society as a whole. Yet, to turn away from all these problems we numb ourselves. What has once been a community, large families, has today become nothing more than just an individual. Even a married couple is no longer a unit, there are two individuals instead. The more we are separating from each other, the more suffering is being created. So, the only way to salvation is to go away from me, away from the numbness, away from my personal needs and wants. And to realize who I truly am and how my true service can change my self. Since only by realizing yourself you can truly change the world!